Ethiopia- Yirgacheffe Washed


Cupping Notes-

floral, honey, peach

Growing Altitude—1650 to 2500 masl
Arabica Variety—Ethiopian Heirloom
Harvest Period—October to December
Milling Process—Fully Washed

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Coffee Origin

Widely believed to be the origin of the Coffea arabica plant, Ethiopia remains a powerhouse in the coffee world to this day.

Ethiopia is the world’s seventh largest coffee producer, and the top producer on the African continent. Residents of the country account for half of its consumption, and the other half is exported to major markets like the EU, North America, and East Asia. Production methods remain mostly unchanged, with most cultivation and drying done by hand.


Many cooperative and fair trade organizations exist today. One such organization is the Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (OCFCU,) an agricultural cooperative federation. The union chooses to cut out middlemen and instead sorts, roasts, and exports its own coffee directly. They exclusively grow arabica coffee, and produce both organic and conventionally grown beans. 70 percent of the union’s gross profits are returned to its cooperatives. Its goals are as follows:

Improve farmer’s income by exporting their coffee;
Maintain the quality of coffee production;
Improve and maintain the sustainability of the coffee industry;
Improve the quality and productivity of Ethiopian coffee;
Regulate and stabilize local markets;
Provide farmers and clients with reliable service.
This union has had a unique and positive impact on Ethiopia’s coffee production.

Yirgacheffe, also referred to as Yirgachefe or Irgachefe, is a town in central southern Ethiopia in Yirgachefe District. It lies in the larger region of
Sidamo, and is considered the birthplace of coffee. Its beans are prized for their delicate, floral, and tea-like characteristics.

Our Yirgacheffe Ethiopia is clean and crisp, with a tea-like body and notes of melon.



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