Ethiopia- Bombe Natural


Cupping Notes-

dark chocolate, plum, strawberry

Growing Altitude—1750-1950M
Arabica Variety—Ethiopian Heirloom
Harvest Period—August-November
Milling Process—Natural

SKU: 60060 Categories: , Tags: , , ,



Ethiopia is the world’s seventh largest coffee producer, and the top producer on the African continent. Residents of the country account for half of its consumption, and the other half is exported to major markets like the EU, North America, and East Asia. Production methods remain mostly unchanged, with most cultivation and drying done by hand.

Fair Trade

The government’s role in Ethiopia’s coffee production is unique, with an established Coffee and Tea Authority that acts as a part of the federal government. It sets regulations that fix prices washing stations must pay to buy beans from farmers, requires extended licensing in the domestic market, and maintains the previous regime’s decision to turn all washing stations into farmers cooperatives. It also regulates trademarks on regional names, including Harar, Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, and Limu.

Many cooperative and fair trade organizations exist today. One such organization is the Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (OCFCU,) an agricultural cooperative federation. It was extablished in 1999 with 34 cooperatives and $90,000 in capital. Today, it represents over 100,000 cooperatives and its exports have exceeded 7,000 metric tons, with sales approaching $40 million USD per year. It represents growers, processors, and exporters in the Oromia Region, located in southern and western Ethiopia. The union chooses to cut out middlemen and instead sorts, roasts, and exports its own coffee directly. They exclusively grow arabica coffee, and produce both organic and conventionally grown beans. 70 percent of the union’s gross profits are returned to its cooperatives. Its goals are as follows: improve farmer’s income by exporting their coffee; maintan the quality of coffee production; improve and maintain the sustainability of the coffee industry; improve the quality and productibity of Ethiopian coffee; regulate and stabilize local markets; provide farmers and clients with reliable service. This union has had a unique and positive impact on Ethiopia’s coffee production.


Sidamo Bombe

In 2006 Daye Bensa Coffee was established by two brothers – Asefa & Mulugeta Dukamo who have been working within the Sidama region in coffee. They operate 16 washing stations and 4 dry mills within Sidama. The Durato Bombe is collected from 626 farmers in Durato of Bombe Kebele (village) in the Bensa Woreda (district) of the Sidama zone. The village shares it’s name with the mountain of Bombe on which the coffee grows. Meticulous processing occurs at the Qunqna mill where it is sun dried as whole cherry for 10-15 days creating a fruit-forward and complex flavor profile.

Additional information

Weight 5.5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 12 in
Pack Size

Half Pound Bag, One Pound Bag

Grind options

Ground-Cone Filter, Ground-Espresso, Ground-Flat Bottom Filter, Ground-French Press, Whole Bean


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