Costa Rica- La Candellila Geisha


Cupping Notes-

Floral, lemon, raspberry

Growing Altitude— 1450-1500MASL
Arabica Variety— Gesha (Geisha)
Harvest Period— January-February
Milling Process— Washed

SKU: 60079-1 Categories: ,


Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of the top producers of coffee in the world.  As their third most exported product, it is incredibly important to the country’s economy.  Ethiopia introduced Arabica coffee to the country in the late 1770s. The Costa Rican government encouraged farming of coffee by offering plots of land to local farmers. By 1829, coffee production was a larger source of revenue than tobacco, cacao, and sugar cane. Today, many Nicaraguan immigrants are often employed as seasonal workers on plantations to harvest coffee during peak seasons.

La Candellila Estate- Geisha Palmilera

The Sanchez family owns and operates the La Candelilla Estate in theTarrazu Canton of Costa Rica. La Candelilla was the pioneer of the micro mill trend. Prior to establishing the farm, each sibling separately managed their own plot of land. All the siblings delivered their coffee to a co-op managed wet mill. Due to the coffee crisis of 1997, the family made the decision to pool their land and start their own wet mill. Finally, after many years of planning, in the 2000-2001 season, Beneficio La Candelilla processed their first harvest. Currently under the direction of General Manager, Sr. Ricardo Hernandez, La Candelilla has since introduced different processing methods and planted many exotic varietals, including ‘Geisha’.

Our Gesha Palmilera Costa Rica is light and floral, with notes of lemon and raspberry


Additional information

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 4 × 4 in
Grind options

Ground-Cone Filter, Ground-Espresso, Ground-Flat Bottom Filter, Ground-French Press, Whole Bean

Pack Size

Half Pound Bag, One Pound Bag


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