Kenya- AA Top Washed


Cupping Notes-

green apple, peach

Growing Altitude—1400-1800M
Arabica Variety—SL28, SL34, Ruiru 11
Harvest Period—April-June; October-December
Milling Process—Full Wash and Dried on Raised Beds

SKU: 60052 Categories: ,




Because of the highlands’ acidic soil and ideal climate, rainfall, and altitude, which produces high-quality coffee with a unique flavor profile, Kenyan coffee is one of the most sought-after coffees in the world. Most coffee in Kenya is produced by smaller-scale farmers, and over 6 million Kenyans are employed in the massive coffee industry.

Coffee cultivation in Kenya did not begin until the late 1800s, when French missionaries introduced the plant to farmers. Today, the Kenyan coffee industry has a unique system of production, trade, and marketing. All Kenyan coffee is graded after it is milled, with AA being the highest quality beans available. After grading, they are auctioned at the Nairobi Coffee Exchange weekly.


Kenya AA is sourced from the Kenyan open auction system, which is part of the Nairobi Coffee Exchange. The quality of coffee and transparency in access has allowed for strong prices relative to other origins. Most coffee is grown in the hills surrounding Mount Kenya, where the rich soil helps produce high quality coffee.

Farmer plots are exceptionally small and are generally classified by number of trees in production rather than the physical area of the farm. This allows farmers to exercise significant control over the coffee picked and delivered to the local wet mill. These mills have an abundance of water, which allows for the high- end washing methods that showcase the hallmark Kenyan profile.

Additional information

Weight 5.5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 12 in
Pack Size

Half Pound Bag, One Pound Bag

Grind options

Ground-Cone Filter, Ground-Espresso, Ground-Flat Bottom Filter, Ground-French Press, Whole Bean


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