Colombia – Santa Maria


Cupping Notes-

Apricot, Tangerine, Honey

Growing Altitude—1500masl
Arabica Variety— Castillo, Caturra
Harvest Period— June


Colombia Coffee History

Colombia is the third largest coffee producer behind Brazil and Vietnam, and produces the largest amount of Arabica beans in the world. Average annual production is over 11.5 million bags. Early records show that coffee had reached Colombia by the late 1700’s. By the second half of the 19th century, it was being exported to the United States and Europe. When international coffee prices dropped, many large farms were forced to stop production, and coffee production in Colombia stalled. As a result, many smaller farms were able to introduce coffee plants and small growers became the dominant force behind the country’s coffee production.


About the Farm

Huila is one of Colombia’s southernmost coffee-producing departments and is home to its third-highest peak, the Nevado del Huila volcano. According to the FNC, the department accounts for around 18% of Colombia’s total coffee production and received an official Denomination of Origin status in 2013. This particular lot comes from Santa Maria, a town located in the northern part of Huila, not farm from the departmental capital of Neiva. The coffees from this region tend to have bright, sweet flavors such as tangerine or red apple.

Additional information

Pack Size

Half Pound Bag, One Pound Bag

Grind options

Ground-Cone Filter, Ground-Espresso, Ground-Flat Bottom Filter, Ground-French Press, Whole Bean


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